Talking to a professional counsellor about the stress and anxiety in your life can have an amazing therapeutic benefit.  In a safe, non-judgmental setting, you will be guided to organise and rationalise your thoughts and emotions and negative thinking will be challenged.  In addition, hypnotherapy can help you reprogram your subconscious mind for permanent effective coping mechanisms and implant rational messages to find healthier and more positive ways of dealing with difficult situations.


The fight or flight part of our mind often holds on to traumatic events. This can be in order to protect us from putting ourselves in the same danger again, or because the stress they cause us consciously means we are unable to process them properly. The result is that these events get stuck on a repeat loop in our subconscious mind, dictating all of our thoughts and behaviours and forcing us to have flashbacks and nightmares - reliving those events with as much trauma as when they first occurred. EMDR therapy is one of the few recognised therapies for treating this life-long debilitating condition. Together, we will work through those traumas in a safe, controlled way, to uncover, process and treat them, freeing you to live the life you deserve.


Relationships take hard work to maintain and often life challenges even the strongest of ties.  It is hard to look objectively at what is happening and why. Having a professional counsellor to listen and understand will help you look at things in a more impartial way; help you take control of situations and interactions and make healthier, more rational and less emotive choices. You can also attend as a couple with your partner to facilitate productive communication and learn how to work better together to improve your relationship.


Depression is sadly an all-too common issue for so many people.  It casts a seemingly unbearable shadow over our lives and makes us believe there is no way out.  Using a combination of integrative counselling techniques, we will help you re-organise your thoughts, re-frame and challenge your negative thinking and cope with overwhelming emotions.


Lacking in self-confidence or having a negative self-image can hold you back in all walks of life.  Messages given to us from the day we were born are all stored up in our subconscious and set us on the life path we feel we deserve. Realising what path we are on and getting rid of negative labels gives us the self-belief, the strength and the power to change.


Food and what we eat can often be used as a form of self-harm or self-defeating behaviour.  Our weight and what we eat is an all-consuming concern for many people.  Sometimes we use it as a means of controlling our lives; other times we feel it actually controls us.  We will you help find the reasons behind those thoughts and behaviours and using a combination of hypnotherapy and integrative counselling, help you normalise and control it.


Being obsessed about something is often a manifestation of something lacking in other areas of life.  It can act as a distraction to prevent you from having to acknowledge something that may be painful.  Through a combination of counselling and hypnotherapy, you will gain the strength to address whatever issues that may be so your life can be more healthy and balanced. 


Being afraid to go somewhere or do something from a deep-seated fear can ruin your life.  Both EMDR therapy and Hypnotherapy are powerful and effective tools to help rewire the mind - getting rid of irrational and negative thoughts and building in powerful coping mechanisms. If needed, deeper work can be done to uncover where the fear comes from and desensitise the mind to it’s effects.


We often tell ourselves not to do something, even while we find ourselves actually doing it.  On a conscious level, we know it is bad for us and want to stop, yet we seem powerless to override the subconscious pull.  Hypnotherapy can help get rid of the positive messages your subconscious has about self-defeating habits and plant new ones, so you feel differently towards them and actually lose the desire to do them again*.  (*For drug and alcohol addictions, you should first consult your GP)


Hurting or damaging ourselves is often an outward expression of the pain and confusion that is going on inside of us.  Physical pain or discomfort are more understandable to us than the psychological – and so easier to control and deal with.  Using a combination of hypnotherapy and counselling, we will help you discover and understand what is going on at the deepest level and find healthier ways of dealing with it. 

(*For drug and alcohol addictions, you should first consult your GP)


Losing someone or something we love or need turns our world upside down. We can find ourselves completely lost, feeling alone and like there is no reason to go on. Understanding the process of grief, what to expect and how to cope in the darkest of times can help you negotiate your loss and find a way through. I will offer you a safe, compassionate space to work through your pain, your memories - good and bad - and stay with you on your journey through to a place where you find meaning and acceptance again.